What Size of Ceiling Fan Should You Have for Your Small Bedroom?

Imagine how stuffy, uncomfortable, and devastating it would be if you had no ceiling fan in your room. It is an experience that you will never want to have. But besides this, things might get worse if you do not get the right ceiling fan for your room. Is it the right size? Here are some insights for you.

Why Do I Need a Small Ceiling Fan For The Bedroom

Indeed, a small ceiling fan in a large room will work twice as hard to cool you off. But why should it be different when it comes to the bedroom? Most bedrooms are relatively small/medium, or that space within which you need air circulation is small. That implies that if the ceiling is too large for the room, you will end up an uncomfortable amount of airflow. Ideally, a 42-inch ceiling fan will be right for you.

what size ceiling fan for small bedroom

Size of Ceiling Fan for A Small Bedroom

It is relatively hard for one to understand how small your small bedroom is, as this is a relative term. However, on average, a small bedroom is any that measures below 144 square feet. Here, you will need a fan whose blades hardly measure over 42 inches. While at it, it needs to come with a CFM rating of about 1000 to 3000. Any fan with a higher rating or even longer than 42 inches could expose you to discomfort in the long run.

>> Click here to check the Best Reviewed Small Quiet Ceiling Fans.

What Should The Ceiling Fan Of A Small Bathroom Measure?

One of the most important parts of the home will always be the bathroom, however small it is. It will suffice to mention that a small bathroom will often measure between 50 and 75 square feet. With this, it will be right to consider a ceiling fan with between 29 and 36-inch blades. Further to this, ensure that the CFM rating is approximately 1000. Most importantly, it will be vital to have it in a relatively dropped height, perhaps a few inches from the ceiling.

Best for Bathroom – Small Size Ceiling Exhaust Fan

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What Happens If I Put a Bigger Ceiling Fan In a Small Room?

Interestingly, this is one of the most common temptations one will ever have. First, it will be right to understand how a fan operates. As long as the fan seems relatively too big, there is a chance that it will overpower the design of your room. Besides, it will end up compromising the visual appeal of your room and even bring down the ceiling. That implies that a bigger fan is likely to expose you to cost-ineffectiveness in the long run.

>> Click here to check the review of the Best Cooling Fan for Small Office.

What Happens If The Ceiling Fan Is Too Small?

There is no denying that everyone is free to install whichever ceiling fan they feel. However, are you ready for what comes with having a small ceiling fan? A small fan will always translate into poor air circulation within the room. For instance, if your room needs a 52-inch, but you have a 36-inch, you will hardly enjoy the comfort you so deserve. Things can only get worse if the ceiling is relatively high, as there will be no variation in temperature.

Best 52 Inch – Ceiling Fan for Medium to Large Size Rooms

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When Is A Room Too Small For a Ceiling Fan

It will always be vital to understand how big a fan should be in your room. Most experts will suggest that you pick a ceiling fan that is relatively large, but not too large to overwhelm the room visually. In most cases, you will need to leave about 3 feet between the tip of the blade and the nearest wall.

Further, ensure that you check the performance and CFM of the ceiling fan. It needs not to be so big that it could compromise the integrity of the ceiling itself. While at it, ensure that you consider the layout of the room. That implies that you should not pick blades that are bug enough to cause damage to the walls in the long run.

What Size Are Small Ceiling Fan Lights?

Various sizes of small ceiling fans are at your disposal, including the 20-inch, 24-inch, 26-inch, 30-inch, and 36-inch. Most of these ceiling fans will need proper lighting to accentuate their beauty and elegance. Opting for a 14-25 W bulb will always be a sound move for anyone with a small ceiling fan. Thanks to this size, you will be confident of the enhanced energy efficiency and the decorative role you have so desired. It will suffice to mention that these small lights will hardly hurt your pocket.

Best with LED Lights – Small Quiet Ceiling Fan

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How Much Air Can a Small Ceiling Provide?

There is hardly a one-dimensional answer to this concern, as the amount of air produced is dependent on more than size. A small ceiling fan might not produce as much air as the bigger ones, but its effect in a small room will always suffice. Most often, these small blades come with a CFM of below 3000. The pitch and the RPM of the ceiling fan will also be vital in determining how much air gets produced. What matters is that you should not use this small fan in bigger spaces.

How Many Watts Does a Small Fan Use?

One of the goals that you will always have in your home is enhancing energy efficiency. Understanding how much you use will always be the stepping stone to this reality. As mentioned earlier, we consider fans that are below 42 inches to be small. These fans use around 55 watts when at high speed. While at it, a 42-inch fan will use up to 24 watts when at low speeds. That means that if you need to save energy, running at low speeds will be best.

Best Energy-Efficient – Small Ceiling Fan with 3.5 in. Downrod

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How Big Should a Ceiling Fan On The Porch Be?

In most cases, a porch will measure between 50 and 75 square feet. If your porch falls under these dimensions, the right blade for you would be between 29 and 36 inches. Further, you will need to ensure that your CFM is about 3000 or even more, while the RPM has to be relatively high too. With this, your temperature will assure you of an unmatched experience at all times. However, if your porch is bigger than 75 square feet, you can consider a 42-inch ceiling fan.

>> Click here to check the Best Selling Small Porch Ceiling Fans.

How Much Does A Small Fan Weigh

The weight of ceiling fans will often vary from one to another. Choosing a relatively light small fan will often assure you of a much better experience at the end of the day. On average, a standard fan will weigh approximately between 8 and 50 pounds when assembled. Smaller fans will, undoubtedly, tend towards the lower side. Typically, your small electric fan will be between 8 and 12 pounds when assembled.

Best Lightweight – Contemporary Small Ceiling Fan

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How Much Is a Small Ceiling Fan

Again, the cost of fans can hardly find a specific estimate. The variances arise from the features, efficiency, performance, and the brand of the small ceiling fan. In most cases, you will spend between $145 and $400 on installing these small ceiling fans. However, it will suffice to mention that there are a few high-end small fans that could cost even 3000 USD. Feel free to go for them too.

Best Buy – Cheap Small Size Ceiling Fan Under $100

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How To Replace a Small Bathroom Ceiling Fan

Various steps go into the replacement of your small bathroom ceiling fan. Usually, it will be vital for you to ensure that you get every step right. Follow the following.

  • Switch the power off and remove the wiring panel using a flathead screwdriver
  • Ensure that you assemble the ceiling fan according to the instructions from the manufacturer
  • Mount the housing to the ceiling
  • Connect and secure the duct
  • Connect the house and the fan wiring
  • Slide the grille into place and screw it into place

How To Put a Small Ceiling Fan

Installing a small ceiling fan is a straightforward and effortless process. As long as you follow the following instructions, you will be good to go.

  • Take the time to mount the mounting bracket
  • Trim the wires to about six inches
  • Remove the set screw on the motor, then thread the wires through the downrod
  • Fasten the setscrew and pull the wires through the downrod
  • Take the time to do the ceiling wiring now

What Color For a Ceiling Fan In a Small Bedroom

Did you know that the color of your ceiling fan will often accentuate the elegance and even the available space in your room? Usually, it will be right for you to aim at colors that do not make the small bedroom look cluttered or small. It is for this reason that you will find brighter colors being much better for you. However, maintain a simple appeal, ensuring that there is proper color coordination at all times.

quiet ceiling fan small size

What Is The Fastest Way To Cool Off The Room Without A Ceiling Fan

You can hardly overlook the fact that fans could get damaged and your ac becomes dysfunctional. In such instances, understanding how to beat the hot weather will be vital. Here are some of the things you could consider whenever you are trying to get the room cool.

  • Use a cotton towel

This approach involves the use of a wet cotton towel, which you will hang on the window as a screen.

  • Know when to open the doors and windows

It would be best for you to kee your windows and doors open at night. This move ensures that the low temperature gets maintained within the room for a relatively long time. While at it, make sure that these windows and doors remain closed during the day.

  • Keep the blinds closed and focus on your body temperature

With your blinds closed, you will hardly need to worry about high temperatures flowing into your house. Instead of thinking about how hot the room is, let your focus be on how your body feels. Be smart about clothing and even take tasty iced drinks from time to time.

What Is The Efficient CFM For A Small Ceiling Fan?

Usually, CFM comes in handy in measuring the energy efficiency of a ceiling fan. Here, the efficiency of the fan increases with the rise in CFM. A good CFM will often be in the range of 4500 to 5000. However, for a small ceiling fan, it could lie between 1000 and 3000, depending on the make and how big it is. It will, therefore, be upon you to compare and decide which CFM works best for you.

Best CFM – Most Efficient Silent Ceiling Fan

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How To Make a Small Ceiling Fan

Did you know that you could make a personal ceiling fan at home? While the process could prove a little complicated for some people, it will always be worth trying. Here are the steps to follow.

  • Ensure that you have clamps, fan blades, DC motor, and fixing tools
  • Connect the DC motor to a mounting rod
  • Connect power cables to the DC motor
  • Attach the fan blades to one side of the DC mount
  • Attach power cables to the fan
  • Connect the power cables from the fan blades and the DC motor to an intermediary switch
  • Connect one end of the power cables on the DC motor to the power source
  • Switch the connection on

Where Do I Dispose Of a Small Ceiling

Indeed, it will always be essential for you to be careful about how you dispose of your electronics. Ceiling fans are no exception in this case. In most cases, you will have to put it in approved garbage containers and let a professional handle it.

On the other hand, you could consider donating this ceiling fan, especially if someone can reuse it. It would be best if you called upfront to know whether you can donate this item or not. Did you know that upcycling is yet another option at hand?

Final Words

As you look forward to having a relaxed environment, aiming at a reliable ceiling fan should be a priority. Now is the best time for you to scout around for one that suits your needs and preferences. This way, you will enjoy enhanced energy efficiency and even elegance in your room.

Our Top 3 Picks for Top-Rated Small Ceiling Fans

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